Recently submitted

Recently submitted

  1. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Approche bayésienne en séparation de sources (pdf) , (ps.gz) , Chapitre à paraître dans “De la Séparation de sources à l’Analyse en Composantes Indépendantes, édité par Ch. Jutten et P. Comon.
  2. S. Moussaoui, C. Carteret, A. Mohammad-Djafari, O. Caspary, D. Brie and B. Humbert, Approche bayésienne pour l’analyse de mélanges en Spectroscopie, Submitted to J. de Chimie, October 2003.

Recently accepted or Presented

  1. Ali MOHAMMAD-DJAFARI, Bayesian inference for inverse problems in signal and image processing and applications, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Volume 16, Issue 5 , Pages 209 – 214, Mar 2007. ABSTRACT
  2. Ali MOHAMMAD-DJAFARI and Olivier FERON, Bayesian approach to change points detection in time series, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Volume 16, Issue 5 , Pages 215 – 221, Mar 2007. ABSTRACT
  3. Mahieddine M. ICHIR and Ali MOHAMMAD-DJAFARI, Hidden Markov Models for Blind Source Separation, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,
  4. Mahieddine M. ICHIR and Ali MOHAMMAD-DJAFARI, A Mean Field Approximation Approach to Blind Source Separation with Lp Priors, Eusipco 2005, Antalya, Turkey, September 2005.
  5. Mahieddine M. ICHIR and Ali MOHAMMAD-DJAFARI. Hidden Markov Models for Wavelet Image Separation and Denoising, ICASSP, Philapdelphia (USA), March 2005, pp. 205-208.
  6. Ali Mohammad-Djafari and Lionel Robillard, Hierarchical Markovian Models for 3D Computed Tomography in Non Destructive Testing Applications, EUSIPCO 2006, September 4-8, Florence, Italy.
  7. A. Mohammad-Djafari, N. Bali and A. Mohammadpour, Joint dimensionality reduction, classification and segmentation of hyperspectral images (pdf) , ICIP06, October 8-11, Atlanta, GA, USA.
  8. A. Mohammad-Djafari, A. Mohammadpour and N. Bali, Hierarchical Markovian models for hyperspectral image segmentation (pdf) , ICPR06, Aug. 20-24, Hong Gong.
  9. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Bayesian Source Separation: Beyond PCA and ICA (pdf) , (ps.gz) , Invited paper ESANN06.
  10. N. Bali, A. Mohammad-Djafari and A. Mohammadpour, Hierarchical Markovian Models for Joint Classification, Segmentation and Data Reduction of Hyperspectral Images (pdf) , (ps.gz) , ESANN06.
  11. S. Moussaoui, D. Brie, A. Mohammad-Djafari and C. Carteret, Separation of Non-negative Mixture of Non-negative Sources using a Bayesian Approach and MCMC Sampling, accepted IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, July 2004.
  12. O. Féron and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Image fusion and joint segmentation using an MCMC algorithm, To appear in J. of Electronic Imaging, April 2004.
  13. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Bayesian inference for inverse problems in signal and image processing and applications, (abstract) , (slides) , invited talk 7th Iranian Statistical Conference, August 23-25, 2004, Allameh Tabatabaie University, Tehran, Iran.
  14. A. Mohammad-Djafari, A Bayesian classification approach to change points detection in time series, (abstract) , (slides) , invited talk 7th Iranian Statistical Conference, August 23-25, 2004, Allameh Tabatabaie University, Tehran, Iran.
  15. A. Mohammad-Djafari and A. Mohammadpour On the estimation of a parameter with incomplete knowledge on a nuisance parameter , (slides) presented at MaxEnt04, 25-30 July 2004, Max-Planck Institiute, Garching,Munich, Germany.
  16. A. Mohammadpour, O. Féron and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Bayesian segmentation of hyperspectral images, presented at MaxEnt04, 25-30 July 2004, Max-Planck Institiute, Garching,Munich, Germany.
  17. O. Féron and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Reconstruction of piecewise homogeneous images from partial knowledge of their Fourier Transform, presented at MaxEnt04, 25-30 July 2004, Max-Planck Institiute, Garching,Munich, Germany.
  18. P. Brault and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Bayesian Wavelet Domain Segmentation, presented at MaxEnt04, 25-30 July 2004, Max-Planck Institiute, Garching,Munich, Germany.
  19. S. Moussaoui, D. Brie, C. Carteret and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Application of Bayesian Non-negative Source Separation to Mixture Analysis in Spectroscopy, presented at MaxEnt04, 25-30 July 2004, Max-Planck Institiute, Garching,Munich, Germany.
  20. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Bayesian image processing, invited talk Fifth Int. Conf. on Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences (MCO 2004), July 1-3, 2004, Metz, France. (Slides)
  21. A. Mohammad-Djafari Bayesian Data and Image Fusion (abstract) , invited talk Int. Workshop on Computer Vision, April 26-30, 2004, Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM), Tehran, Iran.
  22. S. Moussaoui, D. Brie, O. Caspary and A. Mohammad-Djafari, A Bayesian method for positive source separation, accepted ICASSP04, October 2003.
  23. A. Mohammad-Djafari Bayesian Blind Source Separation (abstract) , invited talk Int. Workshop on Computer Vision, April 26-30, 2004, Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM), Tehran, Iran.
  24. A. Mohammad-Djafari Bayesian change point analysis of time series (abstract) , invited talk Int. Workshop on Computer Vision, April 26-30, 2004, Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM), Tehran, Iran.
  25. A. Mohammadpour, A. Mohammad-Djafari, An Alternative Criterion to Likelihood for Parameter Estimation Accounting for Prior Information on Nuisance Parameter, presented 2nd International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics, Sept. 2-4, 2004, Spain, Appeared in Soft Methodology and Random Information Systems, Springer, pp. 575-580.
  26. H. Snoussi and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Fast joint separation and segmentation of mixed images, To appear in J. of Electronic Imaging 13 (2), April 2004.
  27. Ch. Soussen and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Polygonal and Polyhedral Contour Reconstruction in Computed Tomography, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 13, no. 11, pp: 1507-1523, Nov. 2004.
  28. (IEEE preprint version)
  29. Charles Soussen and Ali Mohammad-Djafari, Closed surface reconstruction in X-ray tomography, IEEE Conference on Image Processing (Octobre 2001).
  30. A. Mohammad-Djafari and O. Féron A Bayesian approach to change point analysis of discrete time series , Presented at Int. Symposium on Emerging Strategies for Improving Productivity, Quality & Reliability, 12-14 December. 2003, Kolkata, India. slides
  31. H. Snoussi and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Rao Blackwell approximation for fast MCMC implementation of Bayesian blind source separation problems, slides Presented at Int. Symposium on Recent Advances in Mathematics and its Applications (ISRAMA 2003), 20-22 December. 2003, Calcutta Mathematical Society, Salt Lake city, Kolkata, India.
  32. O. Féron and A. Mohammad-Djafari, A Hidden Markov model for Bayesian fusion of multivariate signals, Presented at Fifth Int. Triennial Calcutta Symposium on Probability and Statistics, 28-31 December. 2003, Dept. of Statistics, Calcutta University, Kolkata, India. Slides
  33. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Bayesian approach for inverse problems in optics, Presented SPIE, Optical Information Systems, aug. 2003, San Diego, USA.
  34. M. Ichir and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Wavelet Domain Blind Image Separation, Presented SPIE, Mathematical Modeling, Wavelets X, aug. 2003, San Diego, USA.
  35. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Fusion bayésienne de données en imagerie X et ultrasonore, Presented GRETSI03, sept. 2003, Paris, France.
  36. A. Mohammad-Djafari, B. Duchêne et A. Joisel, Une nouvelle méthode d’inversion pour les problèmes de synthèse de Fourier en imagerie, Presented GRETSI03, sept. 2003, Paris, France.
  37. M. Ichir and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Séparation de sources modélisées par des ondelettes, GRETSI03, sept. 2003, Paris, France.
  38. A. Mohammadpour, A. Mohammad-Djafari, An alternate inference tool to total probability formula and its application, Presented MaxEnt23, aug. 2003, Jackson Hole, WY, USA.
  39. M. Ichir and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Gaussian Mixture Model for Source Separation in Wavelet Domaine, Presented MaxEnt23, aug. 2003, Jackson Hole, WY, USA.
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Books or Proceedings Edition

  1. A. Mohammad-Djafari (ed.), Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, (Proceedings of MaxEnt 2000, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 8-13 July, 2000, published by American Institute of Physics (AIP).
    To see Table of Contents of Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods
  2. F. Préteux, A. Mohammad-Djafari and E. R. Dougherty (ed.), Mathematical Modeling, Bayesian Estimation and Inverse Problems, (Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 3816, Denver, CO, 21-23 July, 1999, Proceedings of SPIE-1999.
  3. A. Mohammad-Djafari (ed.), Bayesian Inference for Inverse Problems, (Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 3459 SanDiego, California, 23-24 July, 1998, Proceedings of SPIE-1998 l”>Proceedings of SPIE-1998.
  4. A. Mohammad-Djafari and G. Demoment (ed.), Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, (Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods (MaxEnt92), CNRS, Paris, France, 1992, Kluwer Academic Publishers , Netherland, 1993.
    To see all the collection of Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods
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Contribution to Books

  1. Ali Mohammad-Djafari and Marc Dinten, Reconstruction tomographique à partir d’un nombre faible de projections, in Approche bayésienne pour les problèmes inverses, published by Traité IC2, Série traitement du signal et de l’image, Hermès , pages 297–320.
  2. Hervé Carfantan and Ali Mohammad-Djafari, Tomographie de diffraction, in Approche bayésienne pour les problèmes inverses, published by Traité IC2, Série traitement du signal et de l’image, Hermès , pages 321–341.
  3. G. Demoment, J. Idier, J.F. Giovannelli and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Problèmes inverses en traitement du signal et de l’image, in Approche bayésienne pour les problèmes inverses, published by Techniques de l’Ingénieur, traité Electronique, TE 5 235, pages 1-25.
  4. A. Mohammad-Djafari and C. Soussen, “ Reconstruction of compact homogeneous 3D objects from their projections, ” In Discrete Tomography: Foundations, Algorithms and Applications, Gabor T. Herman and Attila Kuba (ed.), Birkhauser Boston, chapter 14, pp: 317-342, 1998.
  5. H. Carfantan and A. Mohammad-Djafari, “An overview of nonlinear diffraction tomography within the Bayesian estimation framework,” in Inverse Problems of Wave Propagation and Diffraction, Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer Verlag, 1997.
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International Journal Papers ( Liste in BibTex )

  1. H. Snoussi and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Unsupervised learning for source separation with mixture of Gaussians prior for sources and Gaussian prior for mixture coefficients ., in Neural Networks for Signal Processing XI, D.J. Miller, Ed. IEEE workshop, September 2001, pp. 293–302.
  2. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Regularization, Maximum Entropy and Probabilistic Methods in Mass Spectrometry Data Processing Problems, Special issue of Int. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, vol. 215 (2002), pp: 175-193.
  3. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Binary polygonal shape image reconstruction from a small number of projections, ELEKTRIK, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp: 127-138, 19997.
  4. M. Nikolova, J. Idier, and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Inversion of large-support ill-posed linear operators using a piecewise Gaussian MRF, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 571-585, 1998.
  5. M. Nikolova and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Eddy current tomography using a binary Markov model, Signal Processing , vol. 49, pp. 119-132, 1996.
  6. D. Prémel and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Eddy current tomography in cylindrical geometry, IEEE lindrical geometry, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. M-31, pp. 2000-2003, May 1995.
  7. M. K. Nguyen and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Bayesian approach with the maximum entropy priors in image reconstruction from microwave scattered fields data, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. MI-13, pp. 254-261, June 1994.
  8. A. Mohammad-Djafari and G. Demoment, Maximum entropy reconstruction in X ray and diffraction tomography, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. MI-7, no. 4, pp. 345-354, 1988.
  9. A. Mohammad-Djafari and G. Demoment, Maximum entropy Fourier synthesis with application to diffraction tomography, Applied Optics, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 1745-1754, 1987.
  10. A. Mohammad-Djafari, F. Heron, R. Duperdu, and J. Perrin, Non-invasive recording of the his-purkinje system electrical activity by a digital system design, Journal of Biomedical Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 147-152, 1979.
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French Language Journal Papers

  1. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Entropie en traitement du signal, Traitement du Signal, pp. 87-116, 1994.
  2. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Maximum d’entropie et problèmes inverses en imagerie, Traitement du Signal, pp. 87-116, 1994.
  3. A. Mohammad-Djafari and G. Demoment, Utilisation de l’entropie dans les problèmes de restauration et de reconstruction d’images, Traitement du Signal, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 235-248, 1988.
  4. A. Mohammad-Djafari and G. Demoment, Tomographie de diffraction et synthèse de Fourier à maximum d’entropie, Revue de Physique Appliqué, vol. 22, pp. 153-167, 1987.
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International Refereed Conferences ( Liste in BibTex )

  1. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Fusion of X ray and geometrical data in computed tomography for non destructive testing applications, Fusion 2002, 7-11 Jul., Annapolis, Maryland, USA
  2. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Bayesian approach with hierarchical Markov modeling for data fusion in image reconstruction applications, Fusion2002, 7-11 Jul., Annapolis, Maryland, USA
  3. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Fusion of X ray radiographic data and anatomical data in computed tomography, ICIP02, 22-25 sep., Rochester, NY, USA.
  4. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Hierarchical Markov modeling for fusion of X ray radiographic data and anatomical data in computed tomography, ISBI02: Int. IEEE Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 7-10 Jul. 2002, Washington DC, USA.
  5. H. Snoussi and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Information geometry of Prior Selection. , in Int. Workshop on Bayesian and Maximum Entropy Methods, MaxEnt2002, Aug. 3-9, 2002, Moscow, Idaho, USA, AIP Proceedings Vol. 659
  6. H. Snoussi, A. Seghouane, G. Fleury and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Learning in presence of input noise using the stochastic EM algorithm, , in Int. Workshop on Bayesian and Maximum Entropy Methods, MaxEnt2002, Aug. 3-9, 2002, Moscow, Idaho, USA, AIP Proceedings Vol. 659
  7. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Bayesian approach for data and image fusion (Draft paper) , (slides) , in Int. Workshop on Bayesian and Maximum Entropy Methods, MaxEnt2002, Aug. 3-9, 2002, Moscow, Idaho, USA, AIP Proceedings Vol. 659
  8. A. Mohammad-Djafari and M. Ichir, Wavelet domain image separation ( , (slides) , in Int. Workshop on Bayesian and Maximum Entropy Methods, MaxEnt2002, Aug. 3-9, 2002, Moscow, Idaho, USA, AIP Proceedings Vol. 659
  9. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Yet Another Analysis of Dice Problems ( , in Int. Workshop on Bayesian and Maximum Entropy Methods, MaxEnt2002, Aug. 3-9, 2002, Moscow, Idaho, USA, AIP Proceedings Vol. 659
  10. H. Snoussi and A. Mohammad-Djafari, A Bayesian source separation with mixture of Gaussians prior for sources and Gaussian prior for mixture coefficients, Presented at MaxEnt2000, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, Jul. 8-13, 2000, appeared in Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Sciences and Engineering, published by American Institute of Physics, AIP Proceedings Vol. 568 .
  11. C. Soussen and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Contour-based models for 3D binary reconstruction in X-ray tomography, Presented at MaxEnt2000, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, Jul. 8-13, 2000, Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Sciences and Engineering, published by American Institute of Physics (AIP), AIP Proceedings Vol. 568
  12. G. Montemont, M. arques and A. Mohammad-Djafari, A Bayesian method for pulse shape and energy estimation for gamma spectrometry measurements using semiconductor detectors, Presented at MaxEnt2000, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, Jul. 8-13, 2000, to appear in Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Sciences and Engineering, published by American Institute of Physics (AIP), AIP Proceedings Vol. 568
  13. A. Alessio, K. Sauer and A. Mohammad-Djafari, System Parameter Estimation in Tomographic Inverse Problems, Presented at MaxEnt2000, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, Jul. 8-13, 2000, to appear in Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Sciences and Engineering, published by American Institute of Physics (AIP) ., AIP Proceedings Vol. 568
  14. A. Mohammad-Djafari, A Bayesian approach to source separation or arXiv
  15. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Model selection for inverse problems: Best choice of basis function and model order selection.
  16. A. Mohammad-Djafari and H. Miller, A Bayesian approach for the determination of the charge density from elastic electron scattering data,
  17. Presented at the 17th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods (MaxEnt97), Boise, Idaho, USA, Aug. 4-8, 1997,
    In Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers J. Rychert and G. Erickson ed., 1998.
  18. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Probabilistic methods for data fusion,
  19. Presented at the 17th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods (MaxEnt97), Boise, Idaho, USA, Aug. 4-8, 1997,
    In Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers J. Rychert and G. Erickson ed., 1998.
  20. A. Mohammad-Djafari and K. Sauer, Shape reconstruction in X-ray tomography from a small number of projections using deformable models,
  21. Presented at the 17th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods (MaxEnt97), Boise, Idaho, USA, Aug. 4-8, 1997,
    In Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers J. Rychert and G. Erickson ed., 1998.
  22. H. Carfantan and A. Mohammad-Djafari, An overview of nonlinear diffraction tomography within the Bayesian estimation framework, in Inverse Problems of Wave Propagation and Diffraction, Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer Verlag, 1997.
  23. A. Mohammad-Djafari, A full Bayesian approach for inverse problems,
  24. Presented at the 15th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods (MaxEnt95), Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 1995,
    Appeared in Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, K. Hanson and R.N. Silver ed., 1996.
  25. A. Mohammad-Djafari and J. Idier, A scale invariant Bayesian method to solve linear inverse problems,
  26. Presented at the 13th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods (MaxEnt93), Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 1995,
    Appeared in Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, G. Heidbreder ed ., pp. 121-134, 1996.
  27. S. Brette, J. Idier and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Scale invariant Markov models for Bayesian inversion of linear inverse problems,
  28. Appeared in Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, J. Skilling andSibusio Sibisi (ed.) ., 1996.
  29. S. Gautier, G. Le Besnerais, A. Mohammad-Djafari,and B. Lavayssière, Data fusion in the field of non destructivetesting .
  30. Appeared in Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, K. Hanson and R.N. Silver ed., 1996.
  31. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Maximum Entropy and Linear Inverse Problems: A Short Review, pp. 253-264. Paris, France pp. 253-264. Paris, France: Kluwer Academic Publishers, A. Mohammad-Djafari and G. Demoment ed., 1992.
  32. M. K. Nguyen and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Bayesian maximum entropy image reconstruction from the microwave scattered field data,
  33. Appeared in Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, A. Mohammad-Djafari & G. Demoment ed., 1992., pp. 253-264, 1996.
  34. M. Nikolova and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Maximum entropy image reconstruction in eddy current tomography, pp. 273-278. Paris:
  35. Appeared in Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, A. Mohammad-Djafari & G. Demoment ed., 1992., pp. 264-268, 1996.
  36. A. Mohammad-Djafari, A Matlab Program to Calculate the Maximum Entropy Distributions,
  37. Presented at the 11th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods (MaxEnt91), Laramie, Wyoming, USA, 1991),
    Appeared in Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Tuwer Academic Publishers, T.W. Grandy ed., pp. 221-233. 1992.
  38. A. Mohammad-Djafari and J. Idier, Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Lagrange Parameters of the Maximum Entropy Distributions, pp. 131-140. Seattle, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, C.R. Smith, G.J. Erikson and P.O. Neudorfer ed., 1991.
  39. A. Mohammad-Djafari and J. Idier, Maximum entropy image constructionof the galaxy M51, pp. 313-318. Laramie, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, T.W. Grandy ed., 1990.
  40. A. Mohammad-Djafari and J. Idier, Maximum entropy prior laws of images and estimation of their parameters, pp. 285-293. Laramie: Kluwer Academic Publishers, T.W. Grandy ed., 1990.
  41. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Approach in Tomographic Image Reconstruction and Restoration, pp. 195-201. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, J. Skilling ed., 1989.
  42. A. Mohammad-Djafari and G. Demoment, Image restoration and reconstruction using entropy as a regularization functional, vol. 2, pp. 341-355. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: K Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988.
  43. H. Snoussi and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Information geometry of Prior Selection. , in Int. Workshop on Bayesian and Maximum Entropy Methods, MaxEnt2002, Aug. 3-9, 2002, Moscow, Idaho, USA.
  44. H. Snoussi, A. Seghouane, G. Fleury and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Learning in presence of input noise using the stochastic EM algorithm, , in Int. Workshop on Bayesian and Maximum Entropy Methods, MaxEnt2002, Aug. 3-9, 2002, Moscow, Idaho, USA.
  45. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Bayesian approach for data and image fusion (Draft paper) , (slides) , in Int. Workshop on Bayesian and Maximum Entropy Methods, MaxEnt2002, Aug. 3-9, 2002, Moscow, Idaho, USA.
  46. A. Mohammad-Djafari and M. Ichir, Wavelet domain image separation ( , (slides) , in Int. Workshop on Bayesian and Maximum Entropy Methods, MaxEnt2002, Aug. 3-9, 2002, Moscow, Idaho, USA.
  47. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Yet Another Analysis of Dice Problems ( , in Int. Workshop on Bayesian and Maximum Entropy Methods, MaxEnt2002, Aug. 3-9, 2002, Moscow, Idaho, USA.
  48. H. Snoussi and A. Mohammad-Djafari, A Bayesian source separation with mixture of Gaussians prior for sources and Gaussian prior for mixture coefficients, Presented at MaxEnt2000, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, Jul. 8-13, 2000, appeared in Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Sciences and Engineering, published by American Institute of Physics (AIP)
  49. C. Soussen and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Contour-based models for 3D binary reconstruction in X-ray tomography, Presented at MaxEnt2000, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, Jul. 8-13, 2000, Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Sciences and Engineering, published by American Institute of Physics (AIP)
  50. G. Montemont, M. arques and A. Mohammad-Djafari, A Bayesian method for pulse shape and energy estimation for gamma spectrometry measurements using semiconductor detectors, Presented at MaxEnt2000, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, Jul. 8-13, 2000, to appear in Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Sciences and Engineering, published by American Institute of Physics (AIP)
  51. A. Alessio, K. Sauer and A. Mohammad-Djafari, System Parameter Estimation in Tomographic Inverse Problems, Presented at MaxEnt2000, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, Jul. 8-13, 2000, to appear in Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Sciences and Engineering, published by American Institute of Physics (AIP)
  52. A. Mohammad-Djafari, A Bayesian approach to source separation or arXiv
  53. Presented at the 19th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods (MaxEnt99), Boise, Idaho, USA, Aug. 4-8, 1999.
  54. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Model selection for inverse problems: Best choice of basis function and model order selection.,
  55. Presented at the 19th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods (MaxEnt99), Boise, Idaho, USA, Aug. 4-8, 1999.
  56. A. Mohammad-Djafari and C. Soussen, Reconstruction of compact homogeneous 3D objects from their projections,
  57. In Discrete Tomography: Foundations, Algorithms and Applications, Gabor T. Herman and Attila Kuba (ed.), Birkhauser Boston, chapter 14, pp: 317-342, 1998.
  58. A. Mohammad-Djafari and H. Miller, A Bayesian approach for the determination of the charge density from elastic electron scattering data,
  59. Presented at the 17th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods (MaxEnt97), Boise, Idaho, USA, Aug. 4-8, 1997,
    In Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers J. Rychert and G. Erickson ed., 1998.
  60. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Probabilistic methods for data fusion,
  61. Presented at the 17th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods (MaxEnt97), Boise, Idaho, USA, Aug. 4-8, 1997,
    In Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers J. Rychert and G. Erickson ed., 1998.
  62. A. Mohammad-Djafari and K. Sauer, Shape reconstruction in X-ray tomography from a small number of projections using deformable models,
  63. Presented at the 17th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods (MaxEnt97), Boise, Idaho, USA, Aug. 4-8, 1997,
    In Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers J. Rychert and G. Erickson ed., 1998.
  64. H. Carfantan and A. Mohammad-Djafari, An overview of nonlinear diffraction tomography within the Bayesian estimation framework, in Inverse Problems of Wave Propagation and Diffraction, Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer Verlag, 1997.
  65. A. Mohammad-Djafari, A full Bayesian approach for inverse problems,
  66. Presented at the 15th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods (MaxEnt95), Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 1995,
    Appeared in Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, K. Hanson and R.N. Silver ed., 1996.
  67. A. Mohammad-Djafari and J. Idier, A scale invariant Bayesian method to solve linear inverse problems,
  68. Presented at the 13th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods (MaxEnt93), Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 1995,
    Appeared in Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, G. Heidbreder ed ., pp. 121-134, 1996.
  69. S. Brette, J. Idier and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Scale invariant Markov models for Bayesian inversion of linear inverse problems,
  70. Appeared in Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, J. Skilling andSibusio Sibisi (ed.) ., 1996.
  71. S. Gautier, G. Le Besnerais, A. Mohammad-Djafari,and B. Lavayssière, Data fusion in the field of non destructivetesting .
  72. Appeared in Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, K. Hanson and R.N. Silver ed., 1996.
  73. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Maximum Entropy and Linear Inverse Problems: A Short Review, pp. 253-264. Paris, France pp. 253-264. Paris, France: Kluwer Academic Publishers, A. Mohammad-Djafari and G. Demoment ed., 1992.
  74. M. K. Nguyen and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Bayesian maximum entropy image reconstruction from the microwave scattered field data,
  75. Appeared in Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, A. Mohammad-Djafari & G. Demoment ed., 1992., pp. 253-264, 1996.
  76. M. Nikolova and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Maximum entropy image reconstruction in eddy current tomography, pp. 273-278. Paris:
  77. Appeared in Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, A. Mohammad-Djafari & G. Demoment ed., 1992., pp. 264-268, 1996.
  78. A. Mohammad-Djafari, A Matlab Program to Calculate the Maximum Entropy Distributions,
  79. Presented at the 11th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods (MaxEnt91), Laramie, Wyoming, USA, 1991),
    Appeared in Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Tuwer Academic Publishers, T.W. Grandy ed., pp. 221-233. 1992.
  80. A. Mohammad-Djafari and J. Idier, Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Lagrange Parameters of the Maximum Entropy Distributions, pp. 131-140. Seattle, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, C.R. Smith, G.J. Erikson and P.O. Neudorfer ed., 1991.
  81. A. Mohammad-Djafari and J. Idier, Maximum entropy image constructionof the galaxy M51, pp. 313-318. Laramie, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, T.W. Grandy ed., 1990.
  82. A. Mohammad-Djafari and J. Idier, Maximum entropy prior laws of images and estimation of their parameters, pp. 285-293. Laramie: Kluwer Academic Publishers, T.W. Grandy ed., 1990.
  83. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Approach in Tomographic Image Reconstruction and Restoration, pp. 195-201. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, J. Skilling ed., 1989.
  84. A. Mohammad-Djafari and G. Demoment, Image restoration and reconstruction using entropy as a regularization functional, vol. 2, pp. 341-355. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: K Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988.
  85. Ch. Soussen and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Multiresolution approach to the estimation of the shape of a 3D compact object from its radiographic data, In Mathematical modeling, Bayesian Inference and Inverse Problems, SPIE 99, Denver, CO, USA, Vol. 3816, pp: 150-160, July 1999
  86. A. Mohammad-Djafari, N. Qaddoumi and Reza Zoughi A blind deconvolution approach for resolution enhancement of near-field microwave images, In Mathematical modeling, Bayesian Inference and Inverse Problems, SPIE 99, Denver, CO, USA, Vol. 3816, pp: 274-281, July 1999
  87. A. Mohammad-Djafari, From Deterministic to Probabilistic Approaches to Solve Inverse Problems, In Bayesian Inference for Inverse Problems, SPIE 98, San Diego, CA, USA, pp: 2-11,1998
  88. A. Mohammad-Djafari, K. Sauer, Y. Khayi, and E. Cano, Reconstruction of the shape of a compact object from a few number of projections, in IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), vol. 1, (IEEE ICIP 97, Santa Barbara, CA, USA), pp. 165-169, 1997. ( IEEE pdf file ) (Abstract)
  89. Mohammad-Djafari, A Bayesian estimation method for detection, localisation and estimation of superposed sources in remote sensing, in SPIE 97 annual meeting, vol. 3163, (San Diego, CA, USA, July 27-Aug. 1, 1997), 1997.
  90. Mohammad-Djafari, Shape reconstruction in X-ray tomography, in SPIE 97 annual meeting, vol. 3170, (San Diego, CA, USA, July 27-Aug. 1, 1997), 1997.
  91. A. Mohammad-Djafari and Y. Khayi, Array processing techniques and shape reconstruction in tomography, in Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP, vol. II, (Munich, Germany), pp. 3785-3789, 1997 ( IEEE ICASSP Proc. pdf file ).
  92. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Joint estimation of parameters and hyperparameters in a Bayesian approach of solving inverse problems, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, vol. II, (Lausanne, Swisse), pp. 473-477, 1996 ( IEEE ICASSP Proc. pdf file ).
  93. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Image reconstruction of a compaage reconstructionof a compact object from a few number of projections, in IASTED, Int. Conf. on Signal and Image Processing (SIP’96), (Orlando, Florida, USA), pp. 325-329, 1996.
  94. H. Carfantan, A. Mohammad-Djafari, and J. Idier, A single site update algorithm for nonlinear diffraction tomography, in Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP, (Munich, Germany), pp. 2837-2840, April1997 ( IEEE ICASSP Proc. pdf file ).
  95. H. Carfantan and A. Mohammad-Djafari, A Bayesian framework for nonlinear diffraction tomography, in IEEE EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing NSIP 97, (Mackinac island, Michigan, USA, sept. 7-11, 1997), September1997 ( IEEE NSIP Proc. pdf file ).
  96. O. Venard, D. Prémel, and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Eddy current tomography: A bayesian approach with a compound weak membrane-beta prior model, in ?, vol. ?, (III rd Int. Work. on Advances in Sig. Proc. for Non Des. Eval. 1997, Québec, Canada), pp. ?-?, 1997.
  97. H. Carfantan and A. Mohammad-Djafari,Beyond the Born approximation in inverse scattering with a Bayesian approach,in 2nd International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering, (Le Croisic, France), June1996.
  98. H. Carfantan and A. Mohammad-Djafari, An overview of nonlinear diffraction tomography within the Bayesian estimation framework, in Conference on inverse Problems of Wave Propagation and Diffraction, (Aix-les-Bains, France), septembre1996.
  99. M. Nikolova, A. Mohammad-Djafari, and J. Idier, Inversion of large-support ill-conditioned linear operators using a Markov model with a line process, in Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP, vol. V, (Adelaide, Australia), pp. 357-360, 1994 ( IEEE ICASSP Proc. pdf file ).
  100. M. Nikolova and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Discontinuity reconstruction from linear attenuating operators using the weak-string model, in Proceedings of European Signal Processing. Conf., vol. 2, pp. 1062-1066, 1994.
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French Language Refereed Conferences

  1. Mohammad-Djafari, Une méthode bayésienne pour la localisation et la séparation de sources de formes connues, GRETSI 97, (Grenoble, France), pp. 135-139, 1997.
  2. A. Mohammad-Djafari and Y. Khayi, Evaluationde méthodes de traitement d’antenne en reconstruction d’image appliquéeau contrôle non destructif, GRETSI 97, (Grenoble, France),pp. 135-139, 1997.
  3. S. Gautier, J. Idier, F. Champagnat, A. Mohammad-Djafari, and B. Lavayssière, Traitement d’échogramme ultrasonores par déconvolution aveugle, GRETSI 97, (Grenoble, France), pp. 781-784, 1997
  4. O. Venard, D. Prémel, and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Modèle de la membrane faible associée à une loi Beta: Application à la tomographie par courants de Foucault, GRETSI 97, (Grenoble, France), pp. 319-323, 1997.
  5. S. Gautier, B. Lavayssière, G. Le Besnerais, and A. Mohammad-Djafari, L2+Lp deconvolution and ultrasound imaging for non destructive evaluation, in QLCAV 97, vol. 1, (Le Creusot),V 97, vol. 1, (Le Creusot), pp. 212-213, 1997.
  6. S. Gautier, J. Idier, A. Mohammad-Djafari, and B. Lavayssière, Fusion de données gammagraphiques et ultrasonores, in GRETSI 97, (Grenoble, France), pp. 781-784, 1997.
  7. S. Gautier, G. Le Besnerais, A. Mohammad-Djafari, and B. Lavayssière,Vers la fusion de données gammagraphiques et ultrasonores, GRETSI95, (Juan-les-Pins, France), pp. 869-872, septembre 1995.
  8. J. Idier, A. Mohammad-Djafari, and G. Demoment, Regularization methods and inverse problems: an information theory standpoint, 2nd International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering, (Le Croisic, France), June 1996.
  9. S. Gautier, G. Le Besnerais, A. Mohammad-Djafari, and B. Lavayssière,Fusion de données radiographiques et ultrasonores, en vue d’une applicaion en contrôle non destructif, Second international workshop on inverse problems in electromagnetism and acoustic, (Clermont-Ferrand), May 1995.
  10. M. K. Nguyen and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Reconstruction bayésienne 3D à partir de mesures incomplètes en imagerie à ondes diffractées, GRETSI 95, (Juan-les-Pins, France), pp>, (Juan-les-Pins, France), pp. 901-904, Septembre 1995.
  11. M. K. Nguyen and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Estimation simultanée de l’objet et des hyperparamètres en reconstruction d’image à partir du champ diffracté, GRETSI 93, (Juan-les-Pins, France), pp. 567-571, Septembre1993.
  12. D. Prémel, A. Mohammad-Djafari, and B. David, Imagerie des milieux conducteurs par courants de foucault, GRETSI 91, (Juan-les-Pins), pp. 105-108, Septembre 1991.
  13. D. Prémel, A. Mohammad-Djafari, G. Demoment, and B. David, Tomographie par courants de Foucault, in 1er Congrès COFREND sur les essais non destructifs, (Nice), pp. 415-419, novembre1990.
  14. D. Saint-Félix, A. Mohammad-Djafari, and G. Demoment, Restauration d’images dans C par une méthode rapide de régularisation, in Actes du 1er Colloque Image CESTA-GRETSI, (Biarritz, France), pp. 349-354, 1984.
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Technical Reports, Submitted and Rejected Papers

  1. F. Humblot, B. Collin and A. Mohammad-Djafari, Evaluation and practical issues of subpixel image registration using phase correlation methods, Submitted to MICCAI, September 2004.
  2. O. Féron and A. Mohammad-Djafari, A hidden Markov model for image fusion and their joint segmentation In medical image computing, Submitted to MICCAI, September 2004.
  3. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Probabilistic model based methods for data fusion, Special issue of ICAE on Multi-Sensor Image Processing Techniques and Systems, Guest Editor: Jacques Blanc-Talon.
  4. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Approche bayésienneen traitement d’antenne, Rapport interne GPI, LSS-CNRS, Supélec,France, 1996, soumis à Traitement du Signal, en 1995, rejetéen 1996.
  5. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Bayesian Approach with Maximum Entropy Priors to Imaging Inverse Problems: Part I: Foundations, Technical report, GPI, LSS-CNRS, Supélec, France, 1993, submitted to IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Aug. 1993, rejected 1995
  6. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Bayesian Approach with Maximum Entropy Priors to Imaging Inverse Problems: Part II: Applicaltions, Technical report, GPI, LSS-CNRS, Supélec, France, 1993, submitted to IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Aug. 1993, rejected 1995.
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  1. A. Mohammad-Djafari,” Reconstruction 3D d’un objet compact à parit d’un nombre très faible de ses radiographies, ( 1st part, 2nd part ) Laboratoire d’analyse numérique, Centre de mathématique de Jussieu-Chevaleret, Paris, 13 mars 2001.
  2. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Bayesian calculation: A graduated non convexity (GNC) algorithm and its application in linear and nonlinear inverse problems, Illinois Institute of Technology IIT, Chicago, Ohio, USA, 13 Feb 1998.
  3. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Solving inverses problems: From deterministic to probabilistic approaches, Electrical Eng. Dept. of Purdue University, IN, USA, December 1997.
  4. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Probabilistic approaches to inverse problems, Electrical Eng. Dept. of the University of Notre Dame, IN, USA, septembre 1997.
  5. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Shape reconstruction in tomography from a few number of projections, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France, July 1997.
  6. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Méthodes probabilistes pour les problèmes inverses, INRIA Sophia Antipolis,France, Fevrier 1996.
  7. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Méthodes probabilistes et les problèmes inverses, CREST-INSEE, Lab. de Statistique, Malakoff, France, May 1996.
  8. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Modélisation markovienne pour la résolution des problèmes inverses en imagerie, Unité INSERM d’Imagerie Biomédicale, Paris, France, Avril 1996.
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Supervised Ph.D.s Theses (Thèses de Doctorat)

  1. Nadia Bali, Traitement d’images multi et hyperspectrale
  2. Mahieddine Ichir (Graduated on December 2005)
  3. Fabrice Humblot, Détection de petits objets dans une image en utilisant les techniques de super-résolution (Graduated on December 2005),
  4. Patrice Brault, Estimation de mouvement et segmentation d’image, (Image Segmentation and Motion estimation), (29 nov 2005), Jean-Pierre Antoine, Xavier Descombes, Pierre Duhamel, Jean-Luc Starck, Alain Mérigot, AMD
  5. Hichem Snoussi, Approche bayésienne en séparation de sources. Application en imagerie. Thèse de doctorat (PhD thesis), Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, 29 séptembre 2003, No. d’ordre 7314. Draft version
  6. Charles Soussen, Reconstruction 3D d’objets compacts en tomography . PhD thesis, Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, décembre 2000.
  7. H. Carfantan, Approche bayésienne pour un problème inverse non linéaire en imagerie à ondes diffractées . PhD thesis, Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, décembre 1996.
  8. S. Gautier, Fusion de donnés gammagraphiques et ultrasonores. Application au contrôle non destructif . PhD thesis, Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, septembre 1996.
  9. M. Nikolova, Inversion markovienne de problèmes linéaires mal posés. Application à l’imagerie tomographique. . PhD thesis, Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, février 1995.
  10. D. Prémel, Imagerie des milieux conducteurs par courants de Foucault . PhD thesis, Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, décembre 1992.
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Supervised Master’s Theses (Rapports de stages DEA)

  1. Olivier Féron, Fusion de données, Supélec, LSS, Gif sur Yvette, 2003.
  2. Pejman Rahmani, Reconstruction d’images en tomographie microondes, Supélec, LSS, Gif sur Yvette, 2003.
  3. Wala Touhami, Une approche multirésolution pour la reconstruction 3D de la surface d’un objet compact en tomography, DEA ATS, Supélec, LSS, Gif sur Yvette, 2002.
  4. Christophe Laplanche, Fusion bayésienne de données en reconstruction tomographique, DEA ENST de Bretagne, Supélec, LSS, Gif sur Yvette, 2002.
  5. Mahieddine Ichir, Approche mulirésolution en séparation de sources: Utilisation des ondelettes, Supélec, LSS, Gif sur Yvette, 2002.
  6. Barbara Nicola, Approche bayésienne en séparation de sources colorées, Supélec, LSS, Gif sur Yvette, 2001.
  7. Hichem Snoussi, Approche bayésienne en séparation de sources, Supélec, LSS, Gif sur Yvette, 2000.
  8. E. Cano, Reconstruction 3D des objets compacts en tomographie X, rapport de stage de fin d’étude supélec et du dea automatique et traitement du signal, Supélec, LSS, Gif sur Yvette, 1997.
  9. Y. Khayi, Reconstruction d’image d’un objet compact avec un support polygonal, rapport de stage du DEA-ATS, GPI-LSS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, juin 1996.
  10. L. Bouchon, Méthodes non linéaires en reconstruction d’images appliquée à la tomographie x, rapport de stage de fin d’études SUPEELEC, GPI-LSS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, juin 1995.
  11. Z. Mekdade, Reconstruction d’image d’un objet compact avec un support polygonal, rapport de stage du DEA-ATS, GPI-LSS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, juin 1995.
  12. D. Roland, Reconstruction d’image composée d’objets compacts, rapport de stage du DEA-ATS, GPI-LSS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, juin 1994.
  13. S. Brette, Approche bayésienne des problèmes inverses, rapport de stage du DEA-ATS, GPI-LSS, Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceS, GPI-LSS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 1993.
  14. B. El-Darwiche, Maximum d’entropie en reconstruction, rapport de stage de fin d’étude école POLYTECHNIQUE, GPI-LSS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, juin 1995.
  15. M. Nikolova, Tomographyde diffraction par courants de Foucault pour le contrôle non destructifdes milieux conducteurs, rapport de stage de DEA-ATS, GPI-LSS, 1991.
  16. P. Merle, C. Marneffeand A. Mohammad-Djafari, Recherche d’une loi a priori en restaurationd’images, rapport de stage 89/023, GPI-LSS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 1989.
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